VeriPhrase AI - Code to 3 words encoder/decoder

#AI #HeadStarterAI

Written by Eric Gitangu

Published on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 11

This simple tool is meant to assist in making users and customer representatives have an easier time with confirmation code verifications, the backend is using Django and Django rest framework. It works by taking in an arbitrary alphanumeric confirmation code confined to 32 chars and encoding it to 3 dash-separated words that are unique to that code. I am using GPT models to generate 50 genres and 1000 words corresponding to the genre and also using nltk to make sure the words are gramatically correct. The purpose is to bring convenience in verifying confirmation codes, a user can easily read the 3 dash separated words and the representative on entering the words can decode back to the arbitrary confirmation code and look up the correct item enhancing efficiency and especially with ascents, not having to spell out V for VeriPhrase, E for efficient etc. Project is containerized and the image deployed to DockerHub for ease to pull down the image with both the NextJS frontend and the Django backend and spin up a container and get up and running. Stacks TensorFlow, NLTK, Django, various python modules for Cryptography ‪@The-Headstarter‬​, hackathon project 2.



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